Eight millennia
From old ages the scale image is a mean to verify and validate the architectural idea on its way to reality. It is used to physically represent not only exterior but the structure of an object. This three-dimensional vision of an object is a tool to find better and the best solution. This creative function of a model corresponds with its key role of a communicative mean, a clear and convincing expression of space reality. This is proved everywhere in the world design history.
Theodor Methohit presents a Christ church model
Mosaic in the Church of the Holy Savior, Byzantium, XIII century.
Icon of the saints Peter and Paul.
Antonio Viani presents the model of the church of Saint Ursula to Margherita Gonzaga d’Este. Picture of Domeniko Fetti, XVII century.
Ceramics of Trypillian culture (Cultura Cucuteni) – the first models of humanity?
Some of the first known models of dwellings and cult buildings were discovered in Tripillian Culture (Cultura Cucuteni) regions in Ukraine. These artifacts of 3000 – 6000 years BC were discovered in excavation researches.
Trypillian culture
The ceramic model of the Trypillian house VI – III millennium BC.
The territory of modern Ukraine.
Photos from
Trypillian culture
The model of the Trypillian temple, burnt clay VI – III millennium BC. Museum of History of Ukraine.
Trypillian culture
The model of the Trypillian house, length 51cm, burnt clay. 4600-3900 BC. Historical Museum of Romania, Bucharest.
Models of the ancient world
There are ancient Egypt and Mesopotamia houses and temples models discovered in excavations, too. These artefacts are dated from 4th or even 5th millenium BC. Aristotle and Archimedes testified the model making practice in ancient architectural design technologies of IV-II BC.
Model of the wagon, bronze.
The Bronze Age. British museum.
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Ancient Egypt
Assortment of cult models in the tomb of Tutankhamun. XIV century BC.
Culture Villanova (Villanova)
Cult model – urn for ashes VIII century BC.
Museum of Princeton University.
Photo from
Architectural models of oriental cultures
Some ritual and architectural models of ancient India and China represent this art and technology in oriental civilization of X-XII BC and earlier.
Ancient China
Ceramic model of the Han period. II century BC. – II century AD.
The height is about 1 meter.
Ancient China
Funerary model of the manor. Faience of 1450-1600 AD.
British museum.
Photo from
Ancient India
A model of Mahabodhi temple India Bodh Gaya. Slate, XII AD.
British museum.
Photo from
Models of pre-Columbian America
There is a unique archaeological artifact of the times of pre-Columbian America – Saivite (Sayhuite stone). It is a scale model of a town with a functioning irrigation system. Presumably created by the craftsmen of the Inca Empire in the X-XV century BC, this model is carved from a solid granite boulder with a diameter of about 4 meters. It is assumed that mercury was used for accurate modelling of hydrodynamic properties of water.
There is a fairly questionable version that this model is much older – it probably was made by high-tech civilization before the Inca Empire at the time of construction of monuments of polygonal masonry.
Pre-Columbian America
A model of city with a functioning irrigation system. Granite, possibly X-XVI century. The Territory of Peru
Models of the Incas
A model of city with a functioning irrigation system. Granite, possibly X-XVI century. The Territory of Peru
Aztec Models
The model of house burnt clay. Nayarit, 100 BC. – 300 AD. Museum of the Institute of Arts in Chicago
Photo from
Models of Renaissance period
In the Renaissance, despite the new powerful visual expression means (the development of linear perspective and painting technology) architectural model making is not neglected, but rather experiencing some progress. Starting from the middle of the XIV century the archival sources mention the Italian architects involving sculptors, woodworkers, carpenters in model fabrication. In Italian Renaissance period many masterpieces objects were created – scale models of St. Peter’s Cathedral in Rome, the dome of the Cathedral of Santa Maria del Fiore in Floremce.
The Italian Renaissance
Model of the dome of St. Peter’s Cathedral in Rome 1558-1561. Giacomo della Porta, Luigi Vanvitelli, a tree. The Vatican Museum.
The Italian Renaissance
Model of St. Peter’s Basilica in Rome. Antonio da Sangallo 1539-1546.
The Vatican Museum.
The Italian Renaissance
Model Palazzo Strozzi, 1489. Giuliano da Sangallo. Tree. Florence, National Museum of Bargello.
French fortification (relief maps) model of the XVII-XIX
A significant contribution to the development of model making art of craftsmen who worked on the French fortification complex layouts during the XVII-XIX centuries is not forgotten. The main purpose of these artefacts was planning and reconstruction of the fortification structures. From the total amount of more than 260 models a hundred still exists.
These maquettes were made mostly in the same scale 1:600, some of them have reached the area more than 150 sq. m. Thanks to the patronage of the King Louis XIV, they were carried out with the highest quality and careful detailing, many of these models are considered true artworks.
French fortification (relief maps) model
Model Strasbourg fortifications, Scale 1: 600 mid-19th century. The area of the layout is about 150 square meters.
Musée des Plans-Reliefs
Models of the era of Louis XIV
Details of French fortifications model, XVII-XIX centuries.
Musée des Plans-Reliefs
Model of the old Lviv of the XX century
Model of the old Lvov of ideas Janusz Witwicki
The idea of creating a model arose after viewing French fortification model
Architectural and engineering models by Antonio Gaudi
In the late XIX century the peak of development of architectural model making is represented in works of Catalan architect Antoni Gaudí. His models was a tool to research structural engineering problems. Static calculations based on morel researches examining possible loads impact helped to construct the Famous Sagrada Familia in Barcelona – one of these best cathedrals in the world.
Constructive model of the cathedral, Antonio Gaudi
Model of distribution of loads in the construction of the cathedral Sagrada Familia (Sagrada Família) XIX century.
Model Antonio Gaudi
Model fragment of the interior of the cathedral Sagrada Familia. Barcelona. XIX century
Stereo Static model
The model created by Antonio Gaudi for the calculation of church arches in the colony of Guell (Colònia Güell), scale 1:10. 1898
Now, at the age of CAD technologies and 3D graphics architectural models still are a key element of the presentation of the projects – the main, most clear and convincing argument.
Modern modeling as an art
Models in the exhibition of the Centre Pompidou – Museum of Modern Art in Paris XXI Century